Halo Therapy (salt therapy) is a concentrated version of calming, detoxifying benefits you experience from being in the salty sea air! In fact, one 45 minute session is equivalent to three days by the sea.
At Body Mind Spirit Wellness, our Salt Room bed is equipped with an amethyst crystal Biomat that enhances cellular renewal up to185% by the use of far infrared.
The antimicrobial/antibacterial effects of the salt cleanse the skin & respiratory system, reducing inflammation & mucus, therefore widening the respiratory airways. Lean more!
Reduce the need for inhalers and antibiotics
Make your breathing easier after just a few sessions
Improve lung function
Reduce the number of hospital admissions
Alleviate sneezing, coughing, and shortness of breath
Clear mucus and sticky phlegm from the lungs
Increase the resistance to respiratory tract diseases
Strengthen your immune system
Prolong remission time